Monday, August 3, 2009


Good morning, everyone. Sorry that yet again I am late with a post. The kids are driving me nuts this morning. Although I would like to say a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sons! They are 6 years old, and I couldn't be happier for them. They are so excited about their birthday. We'll be having cake tonight (Mommy will be making the cake) after supper.

Yesterday we took the children to a water park for their birthday. They had a great time and afterward they got the one thing they have been asking for all summer as a present . . . a fish.

Actually, it's two fish, one for each of them.

My brother and his wife got all the supplies . . . fish bowl, gravel, net, food, plant, etc.

Hubby and I picked up the fish yesterday after the water park.

They love those fish. We have a deep blue betta, and a pale blue, green, and red betta. They got the bowl and all the accessories set up yesterday evening when we got home, and they've been clearing out their room part of the morning to make a special place for the fish.

This is good in one way . . . they're interested in cleaning their room and clearing out their old clothes in the process. But the problem is they would rather just throw all the clothes in a pile on the floor or throw them out in the hall than actually go through the clothing to see what still fits and what needs to go to Good Will.

So on that happy note, I am off to help sort through clothing and make sure they aren't throwing anything important away.

I hope you all have a great week.


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