Monday, July 20, 2009

Hey, folks.

Sorry I'm late with the blog today. To be honest, I completely forgot about it while I was trying to get the kids their breakfast, switch the laundry, pick up the living room, change a soggy diaper, etc.

If Mom hadn't reminded me, I probably wouldn't have thought about it at all today. How sad. My brains are scrambled for the summer. I've got to get the twins back in school and get things a little more quiet around here.

There is nothing new or exciting to report today. The boys have been going to "Big Church" with us lately. They don't like their Sunday School class, I'm not sure why, but they seem to like the loud, bass-thumping music during worship time, so it works out okay for us.

The Princess DOES NOT like being left in her toddler class, but seems to do okay after a few minutes. I really want her to keep going to the class to have some interaction with kids her own age.

The boys started Vacation Bible School last night, and were very hesitant at first, but apparently they had a good time. They'll be going back for the next few days, which will give me a chance to write for a few hours in the evening.

And that's about it for us. I've been writing, Hubby's been working, and the kids have been running wild through the neighborhood.

Hope y'all have a great week.


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