Monday, April 27, 2009

Taking on the Mountain

Good morning, all.

It's Monday again, and we are off to a busy start, as usual.

Today I have a mountain of laundry to tackle. I went into the boys room last night to grab their pajamas, which they have a tendency to move their clothes from one drawer to another, don't ask me why because I haven't figured it out yet, and I went on the hunt for the elusive bottoms.

But it didn't take long to realize their dresser was almost completely devoid of clothing, save the jammie pants.

What happened to all their clothes?

Well, that's the mountain I'm referring to. Over the last week, and the weekend, they have been getting dressed in their school clothes, then coming home and changing into play clothes.

Yay! They're finally learning.

Except . . . they've been changing play clothes three times a night. First when they get home, then after they've played for a couple of hours, then again after they come in for the night.

Even after the mountain o'laundry formed, I still didn't realize where all the clothes were coming from. But as we've been transitioning into warmer weather, all the jeans and long-sleeve shirts have been joined by shorts and t-shirts.

So that will be my major task of the day . . . tackling the mountain.

Then we've got t-ball tonight, but with all the rain they might cancel, so we'll see.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great week.


P.S. A quick bunny update: the little guys have been moved by their mama, and we wish them well at their new home, wherever that may be.

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