Monday, January 12, 2009

Early Spring Cleaning

Good Morning, all.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

I was quite satisfied with the progress we made on cleaning the house. We started in the twins bedroom, and OH, MY GOSH! We hauled out two huge garbage bags full of trash, and a huge plastic storage bin full of toys to give away. All this to manage the influx of toys and other gifts received at Christmas.

But it was SOOOOO worth the day spent working on it. Being able to see the floor . . . knowing there is room in the closet . . . knowing no science experiments are growing in a secluded corner . . . a great start to the long process of cleaning out and organizing the house room by room.

See, I come from a long line of pack-rats.

My grandma, my mom, my aunt . . . they all save everything, because it might be used again someday, it has sentimental value, or it's just too cute to part with. I have these same tendencies, but I don't have their ability to properly display or store these items.

I just don't have the gift. I don't do scrapbooks. I don't do lovely displays of family treasures mixed right into the home decor. I don't have neatly and artfully arranged photo albums for each of my children to pass on to their future generations.

I just have boxes and boxes and boxes of stuff taking up space.

So Dear Hubby and I agreed that for the rest of the month, or year, or as long as it takes, we will work together and go through the house room by room to decide what stays, what goes, and to find proper ways to store and/or display what stays.

But I have a feeling we will have this tackled within a couple of months. The momentum has been building since we moved into the house, and while we managed to get a few things done, we never got a thorough purge of all non-essential items like we wanted.

And we decided as the kids get older and collect more junk, we're gonna need the space and an organizational system already in place if we want to survive. Climbing over or out from under the growing piles of stuff is not my idea of an interesting exercise routine.

And I plan to get started on a new book within the week. So I need a clean house to think. It's just a requirement.

Hope you all have a great week.


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