Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Brother

Hello, all.

I wanted to take this opportunity to tell my baby brother HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I won't tell you which birthday it is, but since we're only 13 months apart I feel comfortable teasing him about how "old" he's getting, and he's only gonna get older!

And in a few days my sister-in-law will have her birthday, too! This will be her first 29th birthday, and she assured me she won't be getting any older after this one.

Last night we drove out to their house for fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, hot rolls, cake and ice cream. This would be my brother's favorite meal of all time, except for the cake and ice cream part. He's not a big sweets kind of guy. But the rest of us LOVED it.

My sons spent the whole time playing Mario Cart on Wii, with the other guys playing occasionally. The Princess wandered around the house, fighting her nap with all she had (and succeeding in her struggle), and flirting with everyone who entered the house.

It was nice getting to spend time with everyone, and then being able to come home in a quiet car since all three children had passed out the moment we hit the highway.

And with the three kids running loose in my brother's house, I was pleased we left it in a relatively clean and un-demolished state.

So now it's back to reality, and the job search. Hubby and I both hope it goes well.


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