Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Catching Up

Good morning, everyone.

We are still recovering from the weekend . . . or at least, I am.

The boys have t-ball on the brain, and they've been "practicing" every day. And most of the time when they practice, they want me with them and they insist on playing during the hottest part of the day.

Apparently they are immune to heat.

I am not.

Ten minutes in the heat and the energy is sucked right out of me.

So they spend their time throwing, batting, and attempting to field the ball. No one wants to field and they both want to bat the whole time. Not the best situation.

On another note . . . well, there's not really anything else. Hubby is working and really enjoys his new job. His older brother and their family might be coming to stay with us for a couple of days next weekend.

I'm really excited about that. They are super laid back, although I will still need to get the house clean again (and this is my quirk, not anyone else's insistence, unless you count my brother), we can cook out on the grill, and I think they want to go to the local theme park which will be fun for everyone.

I am writing when I can, but the children are quite restless and make it difficult to get anything done.

And that's about it. We have a game tonight, another tomorrow, and one or two next week. Then there's the slim possibility of another tournament in July. We'll see if that happens or not.

SO I guess that's all. More on Friday.


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