Friday, December 12, 2008

A Blue Christmas

Good morning, all.


I am happy to be through this week, and am looking forward to a party tonight with my OKC writer's group. We're bringing our significant others to this gathering, so they can finally meet all these people we talk about, and commiserate together on how difficult it is to be married to those "writers".

This weekend I plan to work around the house, and hopefully finish up my Christmas shopping. I've picked up a few things here and there over the last couple of weeks, which is really helping to knock items off the list, but I still have lots to do, and don't really enjoy it all that much.

Mostly, I'm just ready to get the holidays over with.

How sad is that?

I really need to get into the Christmas spirit. Cheer up. Put on a happy face. Whatever cliche I can think of to get excited about the next three weeks.

I want to be excited. I want to be thrilled about Christmas. I want to celebrate the New Year. But I just don't have it in me right now.

Maybe once the gifts are bought, wrapped, and under the tree I'll feel better.

Who knows.

I hope you all are having a fantastic holiday season. If you have any tips or hints for getting revved up about Christmas, let me know.

I need to get jolly, by golly.



Holly said...

Ok, I hate to brag, but I have finished my shopping and decorating. This won't make a lot of sense to most people reading this, but hopefully it will cheer you up. HO 3! Talk to you soon!

Holly said...

I had the wrong name you'll know who sent the last comment. Bye!

Denice Stewart said...


When I read that, I laughed so hard Scott and the boys thought I was nuts!

I couldn't explain why it was so funny. I told him, "You just had to be there."

I should call Andrew.

Glad you're done with shopping. Hopefully we'll see you at Christmas.
