Friday, September 5, 2008

Some Days are Just a Bummer

I can't believe I almost forgot about posting on my blog this morning.

Well, actually, I can believe it because I have been distracted all morning by Miss Merry Sunshine (aka The Baby Princess of the World) screaming happily in my ear since she woke up this morning. We have found our voice, and we're not afraid to use it! She most definitely gets this from my dad's side of the family, as they were all robust, loud Danish/German hybrids. The men and the women.

The other reason I am distracted is because I found out last night that, unfortunately, it doesn't look like I will be able to participate in the MAJOR book signing event at the Mall of America in Minneapolis two weeks from now. I'll still be going to my conference, and can still sell books at the conference bookstore, but some kind of glitch is going to prevent the MOA signing. So I've been pretty bummed (the empty bag of chocolate chip cookies beside my bed can testify to that). But I know these things happen, and still look forward to seeing all those authors and getting some of the books I buy from them signed.

This weekend will be filled with writing, cleaning out the boys' toys, writing, cooking a huge pot of chili, writing, watching Peyton Manning (waving at Jan again!) tromp all over the Bears on Sunday, writing . . . just a busy weekend all around.

Hope you all have a great one! See ya Monday!

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