So this got me thinking, and the last time I went grocery shopping, I bought several pounds of ground turkey, and a bulk package of taco shells.
I thought we might have them once, and then I would be stuck using the turkey in other meals, and freezing the taco shells for a couple of months. But we've been eating them. Or at least, my husband and I have been eating them.
Last night DH (dear hubby) had to work late, and I had grumpy, frustrated kids, so a full sit-down dinner wasn't on the menu. Out came the turkey tacos. I got the meat ready, my husband popped the shells in the oven to toast while I went for a walk with the baby, and by the time I got back, everything was ready. Even the twins (pickiest eaters on the planet!) tried some of the taco meat and liked it.
So this recent fascination with turkey tacos made me wonder what other "go-to meals" we've had over the years, or what others are having. Our list includes pizza (of course), hot dogs, ramen noodles, spaghetti w/meat sauce, sandwiches, and grilled chicken.
I look forward to teaching my kids to cook, and hope to create more meals that anyone in the house can throw together in a snap, but that will have to wait a few more years. In the meantime, happy cooking.
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