Hey folks.
Hope everyone is ready for the weekend. I know we are.
The boys played a great t-ball game last night, although they did lose, 12-11. Twin B had a great game, and Twin A did well, too.
Usually it's Twin A who is the more athletic, interested in sports kid, but Twin B was just on his game last night . . . for a 5 year old.
And I gotta say, it was intense . . . for a t-ball game.
It was the same team we lost to last time, and both groups of kids are getting pretty good. They're starting to understand the fundamentals: forced outs, tagging a runner out, stealing bases, but they are still WAY in the early stages of developing their game.
Both boys played well, assisted in outs, hit the ball and scored runs.
They want to go to baseball camp next week, and we decided to go ahead and let them try it. It's two hours in the morning for three days. Not exactly intense training.
So we'll see how it goes.
I don't know how long their interest in sports will last, and I know other activities will come along, too. It should be fun to see what they like doing as they get older. As long as it's not getting into trouble, but I know that's inevitable as well.
So I hope everyone has a great weekend. Have fun and stay safe.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Good morning, all.
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend, got lots of sunshine, and remembered those who've sacrificed for our country.
We've been crazy busy, or at least it feels that way.
We were supposed to play t-ball yesterday and got rained out. Or rather, it poured during the night, and the field was still too muddy by that evening.
We did end up at my mom's for a picnic, but rain and other issues messed with those plans.
On Saturday morning I had a message in my inbox from an agent with an invite to send the first three chapters of my book.
This was great. I planned to work all weekend to revise those chapters and get the them sent ASAP. But it seemed like the harder I tried to work, the more problems kept popping up.
Then we got home from Mom's house, I checked my e-mail again, and there was another message. This was from the coordinator of a contest I finalled in last week.
Anyone who wanted to revise their entry and re-submit for the next round of judging needed to have it to the coordinator by 11am the next morning. This was 8:30pm the night before.
All I have to say is thank the Lord (seriously, I was praying like crazy) I was already trying to get the chapters revised for the agent, because I would never have gotten it done otherwise.
And I have to give a HUGE Thank You to my critique partner and to my husband for looking over the submission for me. They both caught some errors and I was able to get it sent in at 11:01am.
The kids have been pretty good so far, but we're only on day two of summer vacation, so we'll see how it goes.
And I guess that's it for now.
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend, got lots of sunshine, and remembered those who've sacrificed for our country.
We've been crazy busy, or at least it feels that way.
We were supposed to play t-ball yesterday and got rained out. Or rather, it poured during the night, and the field was still too muddy by that evening.
We did end up at my mom's for a picnic, but rain and other issues messed with those plans.
On Saturday morning I had a message in my inbox from an agent with an invite to send the first three chapters of my book.
This was great. I planned to work all weekend to revise those chapters and get the them sent ASAP. But it seemed like the harder I tried to work, the more problems kept popping up.
Then we got home from Mom's house, I checked my e-mail again, and there was another message. This was from the coordinator of a contest I finalled in last week.
Anyone who wanted to revise their entry and re-submit for the next round of judging needed to have it to the coordinator by 11am the next morning. This was 8:30pm the night before.
All I have to say is thank the Lord (seriously, I was praying like crazy) I was already trying to get the chapters revised for the agent, because I would never have gotten it done otherwise.
And I have to give a HUGE Thank You to my critique partner and to my husband for looking over the submission for me. They both caught some errors and I was able to get it sent in at 11:01am.
The kids have been pretty good so far, but we're only on day two of summer vacation, so we'll see how it goes.
And I guess that's it for now.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hello, all.
It's Friday morning, and the start of Memorial Day weekend. Woohoo!
I would love to say that we have big plans for the weekend, but that's not the case. We're hanging out at home today and tomorrow, and possibly headed to Mom's house for a picnic on Sunday afternoon.
And if my brother has his way, he may talk us into hauling hay.
We had another t-ball game Wednesday night, and we lost.
The team we were playing was 5-0, and they were good. We had a chance, but their team caught an unexpected break.
One of our players hit the ball and it went airborn. This, in and of itself, is a miraculous feat. Most of these kids are lucky to hit the ball five feet, much less hit a pop-up.
So the ball is in the air and we are so excited, and then . . . boom.
The pitcher catches the ball.
Again, another miracle on the mound because no one on our team can catch a ball that's been thrown to them.
So our team is scrambling to get back on their bases, the kids on both teams are all confused, and the other team manages to get the ball to second and tag our runner out.
Oh, well.
We did a good job from there, but with run rules and only three innings, we just didn't have a chance to come back.
But after three innings, most of the players have lost the ability to concentrate, and they're just running around in circles, playing in the dirt, or climbing the walls of the dugout.
Again, literally.
So the game ended 15-13. Twin A was a little disappointed, and Twin B could have cared less. I think if we end up going to my Mom's house, we might have our own practice to get ready for games next week.
But we'll just have to see how it goes.
I hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend!!!
It's Friday morning, and the start of Memorial Day weekend. Woohoo!
I would love to say that we have big plans for the weekend, but that's not the case. We're hanging out at home today and tomorrow, and possibly headed to Mom's house for a picnic on Sunday afternoon.
And if my brother has his way, he may talk us into hauling hay.
We had another t-ball game Wednesday night, and we lost.
The team we were playing was 5-0, and they were good. We had a chance, but their team caught an unexpected break.
One of our players hit the ball and it went airborn. This, in and of itself, is a miraculous feat. Most of these kids are lucky to hit the ball five feet, much less hit a pop-up.
So the ball is in the air and we are so excited, and then . . . boom.
The pitcher catches the ball.
Again, another miracle on the mound because no one on our team can catch a ball that's been thrown to them.
So our team is scrambling to get back on their bases, the kids on both teams are all confused, and the other team manages to get the ball to second and tag our runner out.
Oh, well.
We did a good job from there, but with run rules and only three innings, we just didn't have a chance to come back.
But after three innings, most of the players have lost the ability to concentrate, and they're just running around in circles, playing in the dirt, or climbing the walls of the dugout.
Again, literally.
So the game ended 15-13. Twin A was a little disappointed, and Twin B could have cared less. I think if we end up going to my Mom's house, we might have our own practice to get ready for games next week.
But we'll just have to see how it goes.
I hope everyone has a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Great T-Ball Game
Hi, everyone!
Oh, my gosh. I am in such a flutter this morning. Yesterday, the twins played their 3rd t-ball game in a season that should already be half over. But with all the rain we've had in the last 6 weeks, our team is a little behind.
My mom, brother, and sister-in-law came over to watch, and the boys were wiggling with excitement.
So, anyway. We get to the field and I see the team we're playing against.
The Peaches.
An all girl team of some of the cutest little darlings I've ever seen! SO CUTE!!
But I also got a sinking sensation when I saw them. Girls listen better at this age. They have much better attention spans, and follow instructions more closely.
So my immediate thought was, "Well, here comes our first loss."
And the game begins. We take the field first, but the twins are benched for the first inning, which they still don't get. Only ten positions on the field, and thirteen kids on the team . . . someone isn't going to get to play.
But they got over it, went out in the second inning, and did well. We have a couple of coaches who take advantage of some of the rules, and our team was sending kids around the bases, headed for home.
So then the other team starts doing the same thing.
We're getting outs . . . they're getting outs.
We take advantage of getting an out at home plate . . . so do they. (And a little disclaimer here: most of the time, the kids only know "Throw the ball to first to get an out." They don't understand the concept of an out on the lead runner at any base. So the out at home plate was a new skill for them.)
The game is down to the wire. Peaches ahead 14-10. We're last at bat.
It's t-ball, and I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, chewing my fingernails off, hoping we'll be able to pull off the win.
We get a couple of runs.
Twin B comes up to bat.
He hits the ball and gets on base.
I'm relieved. Mom and I are talking about how she never liked watching us play in tense circumstances because it was just too much pressure. I agreed. I tell her I hope that doesn't happen here.
There's an out somewhere in here and a couple more runs. The score is tied at 14-14.
Bases are loaded.
Another out.
So there's two outs with Twin B on second, and Twin A is up to bat.
I'm about to have a massive coronary right there in the dirt.
Twin A hits the ball and runs for first. Twin B makes it to third.
There's confusion on the field with the other team as to what to do with the ball. They throw it for home plate.
The coach is telling Twin B to run for home, but then says come back when he sees the ball headed that way.
Twin B doesn't hear him and keeps running.
I'm gripping the fence like a mad woman, screaming for my kid to, "Run, baby! Run! Run! RUN!!!"
He scores!!!!
We win the game 15-14, and I collapse from an aneurysm into my chair.
And I never want to go through another close game like that again! However, as long as my kids are involved in sports, that's the way it works.
I may just have to invest in Valium to keep myself calm.
And we have another game tonight. I may get liquored-up before we go. I don't think I can handle the stress.
The boys were very happy, then promptly forgot that anything special happened.
Oh, to have that kind of attention span.
Oh, my gosh. I am in such a flutter this morning. Yesterday, the twins played their 3rd t-ball game in a season that should already be half over. But with all the rain we've had in the last 6 weeks, our team is a little behind.
My mom, brother, and sister-in-law came over to watch, and the boys were wiggling with excitement.
So, anyway. We get to the field and I see the team we're playing against.
The Peaches.
An all girl team of some of the cutest little darlings I've ever seen! SO CUTE!!
But I also got a sinking sensation when I saw them. Girls listen better at this age. They have much better attention spans, and follow instructions more closely.
So my immediate thought was, "Well, here comes our first loss."
And the game begins. We take the field first, but the twins are benched for the first inning, which they still don't get. Only ten positions on the field, and thirteen kids on the team . . . someone isn't going to get to play.
But they got over it, went out in the second inning, and did well. We have a couple of coaches who take advantage of some of the rules, and our team was sending kids around the bases, headed for home.
So then the other team starts doing the same thing.
We're getting outs . . . they're getting outs.
We take advantage of getting an out at home plate . . . so do they. (And a little disclaimer here: most of the time, the kids only know "Throw the ball to first to get an out." They don't understand the concept of an out on the lead runner at any base. So the out at home plate was a new skill for them.)
The game is down to the wire. Peaches ahead 14-10. We're last at bat.
It's t-ball, and I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, chewing my fingernails off, hoping we'll be able to pull off the win.
We get a couple of runs.
Twin B comes up to bat.
He hits the ball and gets on base.
I'm relieved. Mom and I are talking about how she never liked watching us play in tense circumstances because it was just too much pressure. I agreed. I tell her I hope that doesn't happen here.
There's an out somewhere in here and a couple more runs. The score is tied at 14-14.
Bases are loaded.
Another out.
So there's two outs with Twin B on second, and Twin A is up to bat.
I'm about to have a massive coronary right there in the dirt.
Twin A hits the ball and runs for first. Twin B makes it to third.
There's confusion on the field with the other team as to what to do with the ball. They throw it for home plate.
The coach is telling Twin B to run for home, but then says come back when he sees the ball headed that way.
Twin B doesn't hear him and keeps running.
I'm gripping the fence like a mad woman, screaming for my kid to, "Run, baby! Run! Run! RUN!!!"
He scores!!!!
We win the game 15-14, and I collapse from an aneurysm into my chair.
And I never want to go through another close game like that again! However, as long as my kids are involved in sports, that's the way it works.
I may just have to invest in Valium to keep myself calm.
And we have another game tonight. I may get liquored-up before we go. I don't think I can handle the stress.
The boys were very happy, then promptly forgot that anything special happened.
Oh, to have that kind of attention span.
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Fun Weekend
Good morning, everybody.
Wow. Skipped the blog on Friday, and it feels like I've missed a week. So much has happened in the last few days.
I finally got my contest info back. I did not final like I had hoped. But a very good friend did, my critique partner, Lacy!
WOOHOO!!! Sooooo happy for her!!
We went to Tulsa for the weekend (which I'll talk about in a minute), and I got my scores for the contest when we got home.
NOT pretty. Not at all.
All I can say is ouch! So now I feel like it's back to the beginning for me, like a board game. You're doing well and you think you're gonna win and then poof! You draw a bad card and you get sent back to the start.
I'll probably be spending a lot of time going over the comments, studying craft books, and writing out scenes, trying to make them better.
But the rest of the weekend was great. We got to see hubby's family and the kids had a great time playing at the park and in the yard. I got to sleep in, read, and hang out.
We got to visit with my sister-in-laws parents (waving to Jan and Nancy!), who are so sweet, but we had a tiny snag in the overall splendor of the weekend.
The Princess.
Her Royal Highness finally warmed up to my sister-in-law (thank goodness!), but poor Nancy got the cold shoulder. Every time the baby girl made eye contact with the woman, she started howling. Fat crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks. Poor Nancy had to keep her distance and look the other way any time the Princess was around.
It was terrible, and I felt awful. I have no idea what's wrong with this child. She warmed up to everyone else just fine. Maybe next time we see them, she'll be past this phase and ready to have some fun with the girls 'cause I'm tellin' ya, she has no idea how important it is to have female allies in a family full of men.
The rest of the weekend was fabulous, though. The food was awesome, we played cards (and I agree with Jan, the 10 before the king is a stupid rule just meant to confuse people!), and visited with everyone. I hope we get to see all the family again really soon.
And that's it for now.
I've got a ton of cleaning to do, which means I'll get to barely a quarter of it. Oh, well.
Hope y'all have a great week.
Wow. Skipped the blog on Friday, and it feels like I've missed a week. So much has happened in the last few days.
I finally got my contest info back. I did not final like I had hoped. But a very good friend did, my critique partner, Lacy!
WOOHOO!!! Sooooo happy for her!!
We went to Tulsa for the weekend (which I'll talk about in a minute), and I got my scores for the contest when we got home.
NOT pretty. Not at all.
All I can say is ouch! So now I feel like it's back to the beginning for me, like a board game. You're doing well and you think you're gonna win and then poof! You draw a bad card and you get sent back to the start.
I'll probably be spending a lot of time going over the comments, studying craft books, and writing out scenes, trying to make them better.
But the rest of the weekend was great. We got to see hubby's family and the kids had a great time playing at the park and in the yard. I got to sleep in, read, and hang out.
We got to visit with my sister-in-laws parents (waving to Jan and Nancy!), who are so sweet, but we had a tiny snag in the overall splendor of the weekend.
The Princess.
Her Royal Highness finally warmed up to my sister-in-law (thank goodness!), but poor Nancy got the cold shoulder. Every time the baby girl made eye contact with the woman, she started howling. Fat crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks. Poor Nancy had to keep her distance and look the other way any time the Princess was around.
It was terrible, and I felt awful. I have no idea what's wrong with this child. She warmed up to everyone else just fine. Maybe next time we see them, she'll be past this phase and ready to have some fun with the girls 'cause I'm tellin' ya, she has no idea how important it is to have female allies in a family full of men.
The rest of the weekend was fabulous, though. The food was awesome, we played cards (and I agree with Jan, the 10 before the king is a stupid rule just meant to confuse people!), and visited with everyone. I hope we get to see all the family again really soon.
And that's it for now.
I've got a ton of cleaning to do, which means I'll get to barely a quarter of it. Oh, well.
Hope y'all have a great week.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Hey, everyone.
It's Wednesday, and we've been quite busy.
The t-ball game didn't get rained out on Monday, and the boys played a great game. Their team won, so we are now 2-0. There was supposed to be another game tonight, but the coach called early this morning and it's been cancelled. I'm seriously beginning to wonder if we'll ever get to play half of the scheduled games.
But both boys hit the ball twice and scored twice. They are picking up on the fundamentals of the game (field the ball, throw it to first base, throw it back home), and each assisted in getting an out.
Their attention started to wane at the end of the game, but over all they did really well. We were so glad they seemed to be having fun.
At one point, it looked like one of the twins would have to sit out an inning, and I could see him tearing up as he went to the dug-out, but a few seconds later the coach called his name, and he rushed out on the field, skipping and dancing the whole way.
And . . . I guess that's about it.
No game tonight.
We're heading for Tulsa on Friday evening to see the in-laws, and in-in-laws (my sister-in-law's parents are visiting from California, and I'm so excited to see them again, SUPER nice people).
Hubby is really enjoying the new job, and likes the people he works with.
My manuscript isn't going so well at the moment. I'm awaiting my scores in a couple of contests I entered (for another manuscript), and I'm having a hard time concentrating because I know the results should be in sometime this week (in theory, you just never know if they're gonna get behind).
So I'm trying to move ahead with this other project, but it's not easy. I keep telling hubby I need this week to end so I can get on with my writing.
The boys will be getting out of school a week early, so next Friday is their last day. Yay for me . . . not.
And that's about it. I think everyone should be caught up now on the non-excitement that is our lives.
Hope you have a great rest of the week, and I'll catch y'all on Friday.
It's Wednesday, and we've been quite busy.
The t-ball game didn't get rained out on Monday, and the boys played a great game. Their team won, so we are now 2-0. There was supposed to be another game tonight, but the coach called early this morning and it's been cancelled. I'm seriously beginning to wonder if we'll ever get to play half of the scheduled games.
But both boys hit the ball twice and scored twice. They are picking up on the fundamentals of the game (field the ball, throw it to first base, throw it back home), and each assisted in getting an out.
Their attention started to wane at the end of the game, but over all they did really well. We were so glad they seemed to be having fun.
At one point, it looked like one of the twins would have to sit out an inning, and I could see him tearing up as he went to the dug-out, but a few seconds later the coach called his name, and he rushed out on the field, skipping and dancing the whole way.
And . . . I guess that's about it.
No game tonight.
We're heading for Tulsa on Friday evening to see the in-laws, and in-in-laws (my sister-in-law's parents are visiting from California, and I'm so excited to see them again, SUPER nice people).
Hubby is really enjoying the new job, and likes the people he works with.
My manuscript isn't going so well at the moment. I'm awaiting my scores in a couple of contests I entered (for another manuscript), and I'm having a hard time concentrating because I know the results should be in sometime this week (in theory, you just never know if they're gonna get behind).
So I'm trying to move ahead with this other project, but it's not easy. I keep telling hubby I need this week to end so I can get on with my writing.
The boys will be getting out of school a week early, so next Friday is their last day. Yay for me . . . not.
And that's about it. I think everyone should be caught up now on the non-excitement that is our lives.
Hope you have a great rest of the week, and I'll catch y'all on Friday.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Wild Kingdom
Good morning, everyone.
It's Monday and we are off to a running start in the new week. Tonight the boys are supposed to play t-ball, but I have a sneaky suspicion we'll be having another rain-out.
So, we're looking at lots of money spent for one t-ball game this season. We may have to seriously rethink whether the boys will play next year or if we might switch to another sport.
Well, yesterday was a really fun day for the boys. Mom and my brother came over to the city for lunch. We stuffed ourselves on seafood, and then went to a nearby lake to give the kids a chance to run around and work off some energy.
Plus, the boys have become fascinated with collecting bugs. Not sure why, exactly, but they've been hunting all over our yard for three days looking for insects to collect.
So at the lake, we found scads of ladybugs, and then they found a couple of crab claws near the rocks by the shore. And then a few more. And a few more. They had probably collected a dozen, plus the bugs, by the time we walked half a mile around the lake.
Then they were searching in the crevices of the rocks with their uncle, and found a baby turtle.
Oh, my gosh!
You'd have thought they struck gold.
They were dancing with excitement and could they please, please, oh, pretty please, keep it?!!
Hubby declared it was better than getting them a dog, and the baby turtle now has a new home in a terrarium filled with rocks, sticks and mud. Mr. Turtle doesn't seem too keen on the plants we've been providing for his meals, and I think we're going to be doing some research on turtle care, and maybe a trip to the store to pick up some turtle food.
And with the flowers they've been trying to grow in their bedroom (snap dragons, bachelor's buttons, and a couple of others) it looks like wild kingdom in there.
Anyway, I hope you all have a fabulous week.
It's Monday and we are off to a running start in the new week. Tonight the boys are supposed to play t-ball, but I have a sneaky suspicion we'll be having another rain-out.
So, we're looking at lots of money spent for one t-ball game this season. We may have to seriously rethink whether the boys will play next year or if we might switch to another sport.
Well, yesterday was a really fun day for the boys. Mom and my brother came over to the city for lunch. We stuffed ourselves on seafood, and then went to a nearby lake to give the kids a chance to run around and work off some energy.
Plus, the boys have become fascinated with collecting bugs. Not sure why, exactly, but they've been hunting all over our yard for three days looking for insects to collect.
So at the lake, we found scads of ladybugs, and then they found a couple of crab claws near the rocks by the shore. And then a few more. And a few more. They had probably collected a dozen, plus the bugs, by the time we walked half a mile around the lake.
Then they were searching in the crevices of the rocks with their uncle, and found a baby turtle.
Oh, my gosh!
You'd have thought they struck gold.
They were dancing with excitement and could they please, please, oh, pretty please, keep it?!!
Hubby declared it was better than getting them a dog, and the baby turtle now has a new home in a terrarium filled with rocks, sticks and mud. Mr. Turtle doesn't seem too keen on the plants we've been providing for his meals, and I think we're going to be doing some research on turtle care, and maybe a trip to the store to pick up some turtle food.
And with the flowers they've been trying to grow in their bedroom (snap dragons, bachelor's buttons, and a couple of others) it looks like wild kingdom in there.
Anyway, I hope you all have a fabulous week.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Trouble Following Directions
Hello, all.
Friday is here. Hooray!
We've had a busy week, but not the way we thought. All the t-ball games were cancelled because the field was a muddy mess, but the coach is hoping it will dry out by tomorrow so we can have practice, and then pick up with games again next week.
But it's been busy with hubby at the new job, which he thinks he's going to really enjoy, and the kids at home. The neighborhood we live in is packed with kids, and a few of them have made their way to our yard when the boys are outside playing on the trampoline.
I am probably just an overprotective mother, but since my sons are a year or two younger than most of these kids, I don't let them leave the yard. Any kids who want to play have to stay here.
So in the past two days that the sun has been out, our yard has been filled with loud, noisy boys.
And they are making me crazy.
We have one little guy who has a really hard time listening to instructions . . . "No, you can't spit water at each other," and he does it anyway. So I'm not really sure how to handle him yet. I'm not thrilled with the idea of the "laying down the rules" speech, and then sending the kid home because I hate to be mean, but I also hate having a child look right at me and then do the exact thing I just asked him not to do.
So it could get pretty wicked over here. I should get my black hat and broom ready to go.
Other than that, school, the house, new job, and writing are keeping us all busy. So I'm off to shower and get the day started.
Have a great weekend. Stay safe.
Friday is here. Hooray!
We've had a busy week, but not the way we thought. All the t-ball games were cancelled because the field was a muddy mess, but the coach is hoping it will dry out by tomorrow so we can have practice, and then pick up with games again next week.
But it's been busy with hubby at the new job, which he thinks he's going to really enjoy, and the kids at home. The neighborhood we live in is packed with kids, and a few of them have made their way to our yard when the boys are outside playing on the trampoline.
I am probably just an overprotective mother, but since my sons are a year or two younger than most of these kids, I don't let them leave the yard. Any kids who want to play have to stay here.
So in the past two days that the sun has been out, our yard has been filled with loud, noisy boys.
And they are making me crazy.
We have one little guy who has a really hard time listening to instructions . . . "No, you can't spit water at each other," and he does it anyway. So I'm not really sure how to handle him yet. I'm not thrilled with the idea of the "laying down the rules" speech, and then sending the kid home because I hate to be mean, but I also hate having a child look right at me and then do the exact thing I just asked him not to do.
So it could get pretty wicked over here. I should get my black hat and broom ready to go.
Other than that, school, the house, new job, and writing are keeping us all busy. So I'm off to shower and get the day started.
Have a great weekend. Stay safe.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Happy Birthday, Honey!
Hey, everybody.
Today is the day. Hubby starts his new job. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was so excited this morning. Woke up early, got ready, packed his lunch, we got the kids dressed, and everyone out the door early.
I was mega-impressed. I give it one more day, (two, at most) before we're all scrambling and rushing to get out the door on time.
But we only have three more weeks of school, so it shouldn't be too tough.
And today is also Hubby's Birthday!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm baking him a cake, but we're also supposed to have a t-ball game tonight . . . if it dries out a little. SO we'll see how the "Birthday Celebration" goes. It might be late night pizza, a coke, cake and ice cream.
Which, if you ask me, is a perfect birthday dinner on the run with three kids. But hubby may feel differently. Neither of us are make-a-big-deal-about-birthday's people, so we'll see what he wants to do.
We're also supposed to have t-ball games tomorrow night and Friday, but we'll see how it goes with the weather.
And now I am off to do laundry and work on a chapter. Have a great day.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Good morning, all.
It's Monday again, and in two days hubby starts his new job. YAY!!! We're both totally excited.
He's just ready to be out of the house, and I'm ready to be home alone again.
Not that we don't love each other, but when you get into a routine, and that routine is thrown off, you're ready for things to get "back to normal".
He's ready to get up in the morning and go to work, come home, have dinner with his family, and hang out for the rest of the night.
I'm happy to do my morning thing, hang out with the Princess during the day, pick-up the boys from school, and watch cartoons/fix snacks until hubby gets home.
The boys will be out of school soon, and summer is gonna be a wild ride. I'm bracing myself for the chaos about to erupt in our house.
But I hope you all have a good week, and I am off to meet my word count on my manuscript for the day.
It's Monday again, and in two days hubby starts his new job. YAY!!! We're both totally excited.
He's just ready to be out of the house, and I'm ready to be home alone again.
Not that we don't love each other, but when you get into a routine, and that routine is thrown off, you're ready for things to get "back to normal".
He's ready to get up in the morning and go to work, come home, have dinner with his family, and hang out for the rest of the night.
I'm happy to do my morning thing, hang out with the Princess during the day, pick-up the boys from school, and watch cartoons/fix snacks until hubby gets home.
The boys will be out of school soon, and summer is gonna be a wild ride. I'm bracing myself for the chaos about to erupt in our house.
But I hope you all have a good week, and I am off to meet my word count on my manuscript for the day.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Hello, all.
It's Friday! A little later than I usually post, but hey, I had a really long night.
We had all these strange storms popping up all over the state, some tornadic and some not. My mom's county had all these little flare-ups, and then they worked their way across the state to us.
And unfortunately the storms were slow-moving and started late at night. So every 30 minutes or so, my weather radio would beep, pulling me out of a wonderful sleep, and the storms didn't pass until nearly 2am.
So I'm really tired today, and I have a headache.
But other than that, things are going well for us. I'm off to Tulsa tomorrow, hubby's hangin' with the kids, and he's still getting ready for the new job.
I've been writing, and am very excited about this story. I hope it will be a light-hearted romance, and that's about it.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
It's Friday! A little later than I usually post, but hey, I had a really long night.
We had all these strange storms popping up all over the state, some tornadic and some not. My mom's county had all these little flare-ups, and then they worked their way across the state to us.
And unfortunately the storms were slow-moving and started late at night. So every 30 minutes or so, my weather radio would beep, pulling me out of a wonderful sleep, and the storms didn't pass until nearly 2am.
So I'm really tired today, and I have a headache.
But other than that, things are going well for us. I'm off to Tulsa tomorrow, hubby's hangin' with the kids, and he's still getting ready for the new job.
I've been writing, and am very excited about this story. I hope it will be a light-hearted romance, and that's about it.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
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